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grok (v): to understand (something) intuitively.


👶  Children (ELI5)

Hello there, young explorers! Today, we'll dive into the exciting universe of VB.NET! What is VB.NET, you ask? Well, VB.NET stands for "Visual Basic .NET," a programming language used to create all sorts of amazing applications.

Programming is like giving instructions to a computer. Just like we follow recipes to bake a cake or build a LEGO tower, programming languages like VB.NET help us tell the computer exactly what we want it to do!

The History of VB.NET 📜🕰️

VB.NET was born from another language called Visual Basic. Visual Basic was created by Alan Cooper in the early 90s, and he sold it to Microsoft in 1991 . Visual Basic became very popular because it made it easy for people to create Windows applications with less code.

In the year 2000, Microsoft decided to improve Visual Basic and created VB.NET. It was released in 2002 as part of the .NET Framework, a big collection of tools and libraries that help programmers write code for different types of applications.

An Example of VB.NET Code 📝🔍

Let's look at a simple example of VB.NET code! Ever play with Mad Libs, where you fill in the blanks with words to create a funny story? We'll make a simple VB.NET program that does just that!

Imports System

Module MadLibs
    Sub Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Enter an adjective:")
        Dim adjective As String = Console.ReadLine()

        Console.WriteLine("Enter a noun:")
        Dim noun As String = Console.ReadLine()

        Console.WriteLine("Enter a verb:")
        Dim verb As String = Console.ReadLine()

        Console.WriteLine("You've created a mad lib:")
        Console.WriteLine("The " & adjective & " " & noun & " " & verb & " in the park!")
    End Sub
End Module

Wow! Look at what this code does! It asks us to input an adjective, a noun, and a verb, and then it creates a funny sentence using those words. The code even uses words like Imports, Module, Sub, and Main to help organize the instructions we give to the computer.

Variables: The Building Blocks of VB.NET 🧱🔨

Remember how we used an adjective, a noun, and a verb in our Mad Libs example? Those are called variables in programming. Variables are like little storage containers for different types of information.

In VB.NET, we can store different types of information in variables, like numbers, letters or words, and even true or false values (called Booleans). Let's look at some examples!

Dim age As Integer = 8
Dim name As String = "Jamie"
Dim isHappy As Boolean = True

Look at that! We just created three variables: an integer variable called age that stores the number 8, a string variable called name holding the word "Jamie", and a Boolean variable named isHappy that's set to True. Neat, huh?

Making Decisions with If Statements 🤔🚦

Sometimes, we want our programs to make decisions based on certain conditions. That's where If statements come in! If statements are like little traffic lights in our code that tell the computer which way to go based on specific conditions.

Here's an example:

Dim age As Integer = 10

If age < 13 Then
    Console.WriteLine("You are a child!")
ElseIf age < 18 Then
    Console.WriteLine("You are a teenager!")
    Console.WriteLine("You are an adult!")
End If

Look at that code! The program checks the age variable, and if it's less than 13, it writes "You are a child!" If it's between 13 and 18, it writes "You are a teenager!" And if it's 18 or older, it writes "You are an adult!"

Loops: Doing Things Over and Over Again 🔁🔄

Sometimes we need to do things repeatedly in our code. Loops are like the hula hoops of programming because they can make our code go around and around!

VB.NET has two main types of loops: For loops and While loops. Let's check them out!

For Loops 🚗💨

For counter As Integer = 1 To 5
    Console.WriteLine("Hello " & counter)

This For loop prints "Hello" followed by the numbers 1 through 5. It uses a counter variable to keep track of the repetitions.

While Loops 🦉🌙

Dim number As Integer = 1
While number <= 5
    Console.WriteLine("Goodnight " & number)
    number = number + 1
End While

This While loop prints "Goodnight" followed by the numbers 1 through 5, too! It repeats the action while the number variable is less than or equal to 5.

Conclusion: Keep Exploring! 🧭🌍

That's just the tip of the iceberg in the wonderful world of VB.NET! There's so much more to explore and learn. You can create games, websites, and even tools to make your life easier with VB.NET!

Remember, the more you practice, the better you'll become! So keep exploring, keep coding, and most importantly, keep having fun! is a collection of articles on a variety of technology and programming articles assembled by James Padolsey. Enjoy! And please share! And if you feel like you can donate here so I can create more free content for you.