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grok (v): to understand (something) intuitively.


🙇‍♀️  Students & Apprentices

Greetings, fellow tech enthusiasts! I cannot wait to share with you the wonders and quirks of AWK, a versatile and powerful text-processing tool. Get ready for an exciting deep dive into the world of data manipulation, pattern scanning, and fascinating one-liners!

Origins of AWK: Mystery Unraveled 📚🔍

The AWK programming language was born out of the need for a simple yet effective text-processing tool. It was initially designed in 1977 by Alfred Aho, Peter Weinberger, and Brian Kernighan (hence AWK, formed by their last name initials). The language was specifically crafted to elegantly extract information from text files and produce formatted reports.

Initially created for UNIX, AWK has gracefully leaped across various platforms, including Linux and Windows. The language has matured over the years, but its core charm, simplicity, and power remain intact. No wonder AWK still holds a special place in the hearts of text-processing aficionados!

The Essence of AWK: A Haiku 📜🖋

AWK is like a haiku:

Pattern matched? Apply! Transform lines, one by one, Formatted output. 🌸

At its core, AWK scans through an input text file line-by-line. For each line that matches a specified pattern, an action is performed to transform the data. And voila! The transformed lines are printed as output. No fuss, no muss!

Basic Building Blocks: Patterns & Actions 🧩

An AWK program consists of patterns and actions enclosed in a set of braces ({}). Patterns decide which lines to transform, while actions dictate how the transformations occur. If you don't define any pattern or action, AWK will print the entire input file. How convenient!

Pattern Matching ✅

Patterns in AWK come in various shapes and sizes: from regular expressions to comparison expressions involving field values. Observe this simple example:

awk '/apple/ { print $0 }' fruit.txt

In this small AWK program, /apple/ is the pattern to be matched, and { print $0 } instructs AWK to print the entire line ($0) upon finding a match. The file fruit.txt contains the data we're searching for the word "apple" in.

Fields & Field Separators 📝

AWK possesses an impressive power to break down lines into fields for easier data manipulation. By default, it considers spaces and tabs as field separators. Fields are accessed with the syntax $n, where n refers to the field number ($1, $2, and so on).

You can change field separators using the -F option or by setting the FS variable:

awk -F: '{ print $1 }' /etc/passwd

Here, we extract usernames from the /etc/passwd file by specifying a colon (:) as the field separator.

Actions Speak Louder 📣

Actions are all about transforming and displaying data. These contain AWK statements like print, if-else, and for loops, among others.

Consider a file grades.csv with student names and test scores:


To compute and display the average score:

awk -F, '{sum += $2; count++} END {print "Average score:", sum/count}' grades.csv

This AWK program accumulates scores (sum += $2) and increases the count of lines (count++). The magic happens in the END block, where the average is calculated and printed.

Embrace the Power of One-Liners ⚡

AWK truly shines when wielded as a one-liner on the command line. Prepare to be amazed:

  1. Print 10 random numbers: Feeling lucky?
awk 'BEGIN {for (i=1; i<=10; i++) print int(101 * rand())}'
  1. Sum a column of numbers: Add 'em up!
awk '{sum += $1} END {print sum}' numbers.txt
  1. Print unique lines: Duplicates begone!
awk '!seen[$0]++' input.txt > unique.txt
  1. Transpose a matrix: Rotate right round!
awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) a[NR][i] = $i }
     END {
        for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
            for (j=1; j<=NR; j++)
                printf "%s%s", a[j][i], (j==NR ? RS : FS)
     }' matrix.txt

Closing Thoughts: The Joy of AWK 🥰

Though AWK may not be the most modern or flashy tool, its simplicity, power, and flexibility have earned it an enduring spot in the programmer's toolbox. Whether you're crunching numbers, transmuting text files, or crafting intricate data manipulation pipelines, AWK is your trusty companion.

Now that you've glimpsed the astonishing world of AWK, I hope to have sparked the same intrigue and amazement I have for this marvelous language in you.

Happy AWK-ing! is a collection of articles on a variety of technology and programming articles assembled by James Padolsey. Enjoy! And please share! And if you feel like you can donate here so I can create more free content for you.